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Don't let the language barrier stop you! Don't know her phone number - Not a problem!

Don't waste your time... CALL the woman of your dreams TODAY!

Our interpreters are standing by to assist you in your 3-way call to the person of your dreams.

Features and Advantages of the PHONE TRANSLATION SERVICE:

  • The service can be used from ANYWHERE in the world. Price is $5.99 per minute.
  • The rates are highly competitive. Check around and compare the rates for interpreter assisted conference calls internationally.
  • There is never a charge to you until you are actually connected to the party you are calling. Our staff will make a "PreSet Call", at PHONE TRANSLATION SERVICE expense, to ensure that both parties are available and willing to make the call. We try to set the earliest possible time, sometimes within minutes!
  • Your PHONE TRANSLATION call INCLUDES all long distance phone charges, both international and domestic, if you reside in the USA.

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